Monday, September 28, 2009

Nearly October

Do you know where time goes? If anyone can answer this well then you should be writing some great books. As time passes by we make decisions. Some are good and some are not as good but the big thing is you decided. Make sure that you are not allowing yourself to be sent down a path you did not want to go. That is where many people are headed right now though.

You need to make an active decision in every part of your life and it should begin with your health. Without good health you cannot do very much with your life. There have been countless "wealthy" people that would trade in all worldly goods for better health. Are you one of those people? I want you to cherish your body and your health. If you have headaches, neck pain, back pain, digestive problems, heart issues, weight problems, or anything else why are you just dealing with it? Why not conquer it and move on. There are many people that just accept a diagnosis adn then that problem becomes part of them. I am asking you to rebel and not let any diagnosis be a life sentence. You can gain a better understanding of what is going on with your health by visiting a doctor who deals with healthcare and not just sick care.

This is where I come in. I want each person to be healthier today then they were 5 years ago. How do you get there though? Call and find out when we can talk about how to get you back on the road to health by chosing what you want. (724) 256-8805. Better health is just a phone call away!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tonight's Talk

September 24th is here and tonight's talk is about headaches and migraines. Come find out how to help easy the pain naturally and prevent the symptoms from coming back. The lecture will last about 45 minutes and is presented in the office; 1022 N Main St. Ext, Butler, PA 16001. For more information call us at (724) 256-8805. If you are unable to attend please call or email and let me help you or your loved ones deal with the common and destructive symptoms.
On a lighter note put it in your calendar that Thurday October 8th is the official grand opening of Butler Family Chiropractic from 5-7pm here at the office. Enjoy the food, fun and drinks by supporting us in turn helping me support you. Get rid of the pain or improve your health.
"Put your health in good hands." For more information call (724) 256.8805.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fall into Health

It is just about fall now. That means the kids are all back to school and you are now back to your schedule. Many people are not ready for fall and it is not just because the PA weather this summer was almost like it is now. There has been a lot of talk of different diseases lately such as swine flu. There are ways to help you avoid this and other ailments. If your immune system is working properly you do not get as sick, if you get sick at all, and you recover faster. There have been different studies done to show how people under chiropractic care have a better immune system. With what is going on in today's world that would be a great asset to have.

Also now that everyone is running around trying to get things done before dark now the next topic for our talk is Headaches. There is no such thing as common headaches so if you have them or know someone who does please tell them to check out the class on Thursday Sept 24th from 6-7pm here at Butler Family Chiropractic 1022 N Main St. Ext, Butler, PA 16001. If you are unable to attend call 724.256.8805 for more information or to make an appointment. I want each person to be ready for whatever may be coming so let's start preparing now.

Put your health in good hands!